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Hindi Typing Keyboard Shortcuts

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  1. Hindi Typing Keyboard Chart

Alt Code for Specific Hindi Character Some Hindi People and Symbol are not available on the keyboard, they are entered by using special personality code. The Code is certainly a combination of ALT key like (ALT + 0197) and some numeric value. These Hindi Writing shortcut Keys are frequently used in during typing. Without understanding them we can'capital t comprehensive the studying. Kruti Dev ór DevLys Font MangaI Font and Rémington/ typewriter Key pad Hindi Key Program code Hindi Typing में make use of होने वाले Exclusive People and Sign के codes के बारे में बताऊंगा. कुछ particular Characters Alt essential के Mixture से बनते है तो कुछ बिना ALT key requirements के बिना भी बनते है. ये जो ALT essential requirements है वो Kruti Dev 010 और Devlys 010 दोनों fonts के लिए है.

Alt Program code for Particular Hindi Personality Some Hindi Character types and Sign are not obtainable on the keyboard, they are typed by making use of special character program code. The Code can be a combination of ALT essential like (ALT + 0197) and some numeric value. These Hindi Entering shortcut Secrets are often utilized in during typing.

Without studying them we can'capital t total the learning. Kruti Dev ór DevLys Font MangaI Font and Rémington/ typewriter Key pad Hindi Essential Program code Hindi Typing में use होने वाले Specific Character types and Image के rules के बारे में बताऊंगा. कुछ specific Heroes Alt essential के Combination से बनते है तो कुछ बिना ALT essential requirements के बिना भी बनते है.

Hindi Typing Keyboard Chart


ये जो ALT key codes है वो Kruti Dev 010 और Devlys 010 दोनों fonts के लिए है.